Following the example of St Joseph, our Patron and Protector, we, the parishioners of St Joseph’s collaborate with God’s loving plan for ourselves and for those living in the territory of the parish through an attentive listening to God’s Word and proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ in word and deed. We respond to the call of Christ by:
Meaningful and lively liturgical celebrations for God-experience and personal transformation
Listening to God’s Word and discerning His will as individuals and as community
Upholding Christian values of love, justice and peace in every aspect of our lives.
Committing ourselves to a life-long journey of faith and taking up opportunities to grow in faith.
Supporting and strengthening family life
Caring for the sick and weaker members of our community Creating a safe environment where everyone feels valued and cherished
Proclaiming the Good News to our neighbourhood and collaborating with other communities faith
Encouraging and enabling every member of our parish to place their gifts at the service of the community.
Promoting an ethos of welcome to those visiting, resident and those moving into the area.
Community of Love That St Joseph’s become a vibrant parish where all the parishioners feel loved.Love manifests itself in various forms: Acceptance, concern, understanding, sacrifice, freedom, unity, mutual support, generosity and esteem. “Only by love everybody will know that you are my disciples” (Jn 13:35). For this:
Striving to know each other with due respect and discretion.
Making small communities based on the locality within the parish with a representative who can be a mediator between the parish and the families. This is aimed at the goal that no one in the parish is abandoned.
Visiting families of those who wish at a convenient time.
Including those who are not yet registered in the parish census.
Community of identity and belongingness That St Joseph’s become a family where a person feels his/her belongingness and identity as a parishioner. There is a yearning in everyone to belong to someone or somewhere. Belongingness is not only a question of identity, but co-responsibility. For this:
Making oneself available for the life/activity of the parish.
Participation in the liturgical celebrations/functions of the parish.
Joining as volunteers in different groups/activities.
Community of growth/learning That St Joseph’s provide the necessary ingredients for growth.Talents are to be recognized and valued in the parish. They are to be given opportunities to exhibit talents. For this:
Opportunity to display talents in music, reading, singing.
Opportunity to socialize and be free from the monotony.
Formation of smaller groups: Word of God; liturgy; music, etc.
Community of healing That St Joseph’s become a community of healing—spiritual and emotional. Whatever be the wounds and injuries, the parish is always committed to communion and healing. Loneliness is overcome through communion, and emptiness is transcended through selfless commitment to the mission of the parish. For this:
Praying for particular/special needs.
Visit to the needy
Community of participation That St Joseph’s become a community where there is participation/celebration of the life of individual members. There is participation in the joys, sorrows and success of the members. It is to be done with discrete and respect. For this:
Announcement in the church
Giving place for important events in the bulletin
Community of prayer That St Joseph’s become primarily a praying community. When prayer is neglected, parish loses its very identity and purpose. For this:
Convenient time for the liturgical celebrations,
Devotional, orderly and lively celebrations. Returning to the established prayers and devotions
Well-pondered additional spiritual practices.
First week devotions during adoration.
Special Mass on Saturday commemorating Mary.
Community of collaboration That St Joseph’s become a community of collaboration with the school and care homes in the parish. The children are prepared for the First Confession, First Holy Communion and Confirmation in the school. As parish community, we would like to have greater collaboration with the school to ensure that preparation is sufficient and that the celebrations are executed with due importance. For this:
A meeting with the school authority to plan preparation and execution of these sacraments.
Meeting with the teachers in agreement with the school
Preparing a plan for the whole academic year for the school.
Discussing with the school authority for bringing children and their parents to the respective parish.
Community well-organised That St Joseph’s become be a community well-organised with specified and clear roles for each group. It is necessary that these groups function and fulfil its purpose. There different groups with different functions in the parish. For this:
Identify the groups
Clarify the aim
Identify the right persons to assume responsibilities
Meet and plan the programmes in ahead
Evaluation to ensure the smooth functioning of these groups