GOOD NEWS! Masses will resume at St Joseph’s from Wednesday 15th July. Weekday Masses will resume as normal Monday—Saturday at 9:30am. We have worked tirelessly to ensure social distancing and hygiene measures are in place. This includes a one way system and partial unavailability of some seats in the church. Current regulations stipulate that only a limited number of parishioners can be in attendance at any one time. Taking into account the 2 metre social distancing rules, St Joseph’s can accommodate between 30 and 40 parishioners at any one service. To accommodate these regulations, we will have 3 Sunday Masses; a Saturday vigil at 6pm, in addition to our usual services on Sundays at 8.30am and 11am. As there are limited places available, parishioners need to book in advance for weekend masses. We will do our best to accommodate your first choice but this may not always be possible. Members of the Parish Council will be phoning all parishioners before Wednesday to take bookings for this weekend’s masses. If you want to make a booking, you will be required to give your name, address, contact number as well as informing us how many people from your household will be attending your selected mass. The Parish Council will book a place on your behalf. If you do not hear back from the Parish Council your booking has been successful. We will only phone you back if there is a problem with your booking. Alternatively, you can contact the parish house on 0131 443 3777 on Friday afternoons between 3pm—6pm to make a booking. If you make a booking, but then find you want to change your selection or can no longer attend your selected service, please get in touch so we can allocate your place to another parishioner. We also need more parishioners to take a turn to clean the church after all our services or to help with passkeeping duties. If you are willing and able, please contact a member of the Parish Council. This is important — if we don’t have enough volunteers we can’t keep St Joseph’s open in the long term. Watch the video below to get an idea of some of the things you can expect when you return to St Joseph's.
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