19th March is the Solemnity of St Joseph, our parish's Patronal Feast Day. In honour of the occasion, we had a wonderful parish celebration. A solemn Mass began at 12pm, with music and images of St Joseph displayed on the large screen as a visual focus. After Mass, we were delighted to be able to come together in the parish hall for a parish lunch. This was the first major parish social event to be held since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 and it really felt like St Joseph's once again at it's best. Thank you to all those who helped to make our Feast Day such an occasion. Particular thanks must go to Maureen & the Liturgy Committee, Angie & the St Monica's Guild and all those who provided food. A special word of thanks to Justyna from Just So Sweet Cakes who provided our celebration cake free of charge. Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, pray for us. (Click on the three images above to view larger versions)
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