![]() We are pleased to still be able to offer this service to our Polish Community, in spite of the current pandemic. Blessing of food will take place at 12pm on Holy Saturday. Due to restrictions on numbers in the church, you must book in advance if you wish to attend. Contact Jozef Pietrzak on 07505 479 161.
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Every year in Lent, we usually have a series of reflections and talks in the parish hall. Unfortunately, we can’t do that this year, so we have prepared a series of reflections designed to be used at home instead.
This week’s reflection for Palm Sunday can be found below. Click on the link below to download the document to your computer and open it. The document contains links to different webpages, with music, videos and art to accompany the Sunday Gospel.. Just click on the links to follow them. A section of the Passion Narrative is also available in Polish to help any families who wish to engage together. Every year in Lent, we usually have a series of reflections and talks in the parish hall. Unfortunately, we can’t do that this year, so we have prepared a series of reflections designed to be used at home instead.
This week’s reflection for the 5th Sunday of Lent can be found below. Click on the link below to download the document to your computer and open it. The document contains links to different webpages, with music, videos and art to accompany the Sunday Gospel.. Just click on the links to follow them. The Sunday Gospel is also available in Polish to help our Polish families engage together too. We are pleased to say that our booking system for those who wish to attend Mass has re-opened as we prepare to return to public worship at the end of this month.
Weekend Masses will resume with the Saturday evening Vigil at 6pm on Saturday 27th March. Sunday Masses will resume at 8.15am, 9.45am and 11am. To book your place, please contact Ewan Walker on 07913 824 258 or by email at [email protected]. When booking, please remember to include your contact details and the number of both adults and children who will be attending. Bookings are also open for the services over the Easter Triduum. Services at St Joseph's will be at the following times: Services in St Joseph's will be at the following times: Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord's Supper: 7.00pm Good Friday, the Passion of the Lord: 3.00pm, with the Way of the Cross at 7.00pm in the church. Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil: 8.00pm Easter Sunday: 8.15am, 9.45am, 11.00am It will be necessary to book for all of the above services, with the exception of the Way of the Cross on Good Friday (although you will still be required at this service to sign in at the door for track and trace purposes.) Although attendance at the Easter Triduum will be on a first come, first served basis, it may be that you will be unable to come to all of the services so we can give as many people as possible the chance to attend. If services are in-demand, we may contact you to ask you to amend your booking. Every year in Lent, we usually have a series of reflections and talks in the parish hall. Unfortunately, we can’t do that this year, so we have prepared a series of reflections designed to be used at home instead.
This week’s reflection for the 4th Sunday of Lent can be found below. Click on the link below to download the document to your computer and open it. The document contains links to different webpages, with music, videos and art to accompany the Sunday Gospel.. Just click on the links to follow them. The Sunday Gospel is also available in Polish to help our Polish families engage together too. ![]() Good news! It was announced today that churches in Scotland will be able to re-open for public worship from Friday 26th March, with a maximum attendance of 50 people per service. As part of her announcement outlining the various changes to Covid-19 restrictions, the First Minister said: "I can confirm that assuming no deterioration in the situation with the virus between now and then we intend to allow communal worship to restart from Friday, 26 March.... In addition, the limit on attendance at communal services will be increased from 20, which was the limit in place before lockdown to 50, assuming, of course, that place of worship is spacious enough to accommodate that many people with two metre physical distancing." Exact details of our re-opening plan are still being examined by the Parish Council. Updates will be posted as soon as possible on our website. We look forward to welcoming you back to celebrate Easter together.
Every year in Lent, we usually have a series of reflections and talks in the parish hall. Unfortunately, we can’t do that this year, so we have prepared a series of reflections designed to be used at home instead.
This week’s reflection for the 3rd Sunday of Lent can be found below. Click on the link below to download the document to your computer and open it. The document contains links to different webpages, with music, videos and art to accompany the Sunday Gospel.. Just click on the links to follow them. The Sunday Gospel is also available in Polish to help our Polish families engage together too. Congratulations to Fr Shinto, our Assistant Priest, who celebrates the 7th anniversary of his priestly ordination on 1st March 2021. Thank you for your faithful service to the church, and thank you for your contribution to our community here in Broomhouse so far.
Ad multos annos, Fr Shinto! |
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