Every year in Lent, we usually have a series of reflections and talks in the parish hall. Unfortunately, we can’t do that this year, so we have prepared a series of reflections designed to be used at home instead.
This week’s reflection for the 2nd Sunday of Lent can be found below. Click on the link below to download the document to your computer and open it. The document contains links to different webpages, with music, videos and art to accompany the Sunday Gospel.. Just click on the links to follow them. The Sunday Gospel is also available in Polish to help our Polish families engage together too.
Every weekend during Lent, we will be posting a series of reflections to be used at home to help you meditate on the season.
Click on the document below to download it to your computer and open it. Within the document are some links to videos containing music and images to help your reflection. Click on these links within the document to open them. Lent begins tomorrow, 16th February, with Ash Wednesday. Unfortunately, we can't all be together to begin this Holy Season. The document below contains a short reflection which can be used to help you meditate and find a connection to the season at home.
Click on the document below to download it to your computer and open it. Within the document are some links to videos containing music and images to help your reflection. Click on these links within the document to open them. ![]() Our new Parish Priest has arrived, 6 months later than initially planned due to the ongoing restrictions surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic. He writes a message of greeting below: Dear brothers and sisters of St Joseph’s Parish, Loving greetings to you in Jesus Christ. This little note comes to you from Fr Baji Joseph, SSP, the new parish priest of St Joseph’s Sighthill. I have arrived in Edinburgh on 30th January 2021 and following the government regulation, completed self-isolation on 9th February. It is with great joy and hope that I take up the new responsibility. Hope to meet you all in person as soon as the condition permits. Meanwhile, I want to make known to you of my availability expected of a parish priest. As usual, we will continue with the online Mass and other spiritual practices till lockdown is removed. May you spend the season of Lent contemplating the life, passion and death of Jesus so as to rise with him on Easter day. I pray that the Lord protect you, keep you safe and in good cheer. With loving and prayerful greetings Fr Baji Joseph (Parish Priest) You can read a full profile of Fr Baji by clicking here. |
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