![]() I will use this medium to thank God and Archbishop Leo Cushley for appointing me to the parish of St Joseph's. It is unfortunate that we find ourselves in the situation we are in. However, we continue to pray and put our trust in God, who is the one to bring an end to the present situation. I would also like to thank the Augustinian community who have worked in this parish for a long time; most especially my immediate predecessors Fr Ian Wilson OSA and Fr Sean Quinlan OSA. I remain eternally grateful to them and I pray that God will continue to guide them in their new assignments. It is important to let you know that the Archbishop has sent Fr Isaac Oshomah to stay with us in this parish for the meantime. We are lucky to have 2 priests ministering in this parish at the moment. We are grateful to the Archbishop for this. On behalf of Fr Isaac and myself, thank you to all the parishioners who have helped us to feel at home and given us a sense of belonging since our arrival 2 weeks ago . We look forward to meeting everyone when the present situation is over. It is important also to let you know that we have been praying for you in all our Masses. We are trying also to reach as many people as possible by airing our services/Masses online, as we did this morning. However, I appeal to anyone who has a special Mass intention to contact me by telephone at the parish house. Many people have asked how to continue supporting the parish financially while everyone is unable to physically attend Mass. The Archdiocesan finance team have advised the best way to do this is by setting up a standing order to the parish. Therefore if you are willing and able to do so, the details are: Sort code: 80-02-27 Account number: 00126361 Account name: Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh - St Joseph's (Please remember to include your name as the payment reference) Holy Week ServicesServices will be streamed live on Facebook and posted afterwards on our website. To follow live, follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/stjosephsbroomhouse.
From Monday until Wednesday of this Holy Week, we will air Mass at 9.30am. On Holy Thursday we will air Mass of the Lord's Supper at 6pm. On Good Friday, Veneration of the Cross will take place at 3pm. On Holy Saturday, we will air our Easter Vigil at 7pm. On Easter Sunday, we will air morning Mass at 10am. N.B. Baptisms and other Sacraments are currently on hold until after the current pandemic.
1 Comment
Annie O'Donnell
5/4/2020 12:23:20 pm
hello..I received your link via my pal, one of your parishioners..it is good to hear news from Scotland.. I am in Hull...May God Bless and Protect us in His Mercy...
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