There is no more important communication method than face-to-face, but even that can sometimes be enhanced by communications aids. For instance, in church, we make use of a sound system so that everyone can hear what is being said by the Priest. Occasionally use is also made, in the church, of video and of slide presentations.
It is the function of the Communications Committee to advise the Parish Priest on such technical matters, both hardware and software, as well as the production and use of printed material. This would include such items such as a Parish Directory, the Parish Bulletin, and the development, content and management of communications platforms, including our current internet site, as well as the deployment of other possible digital communications channels.
The Committee also advise on the use of content regarding copyright and any other matters that might limit its use.
One of the projects which the Communications Committee is currently looking into is the installation of broadband in the church to facilitate live streaming of services.