Under the supervision of Billy Walker and Mags Notman, our young volunteers are responsible for various different tasks such as:
Preparing the altar before mass
Accompanying the offertory procession
Ringing the mass bell
Bearing the incense boat and thurible
Fetching and carrying during the main communion prayer.
Altar Servers need to learn both how and when to perform each of these tasks whenever mass is celebrated. They may also be asked to serve at Benedictions, funerals, Stations of the Cross, weddings, baptisms, First Communion and Confirmation services. Servers have a great responsibility, as they have a high visibility role, working directly with the priest during mass.
Most altar servers are primary school aged, and you would be expected to have made your 1st Communion before becoming a server. However, we also have some long-standing altar servers who are slightly older, so if you wish to volunteer, talk to Billy Walker or one of the priest.
As well as the spiritual rewards of being an altar server, our young people can expect to make new friends, both young and old. They will be involved in a large majority of parish events and celebrations, and as an altar sever, you will be held in high regard by both priests and parishioners. To be chosen as a server is a great privilege, as you become part of 60 year long tradition of service to priest, parish and God at St. Joseph's.
The Altar Server's Prayer
O God, You have graciously called me to serve You upon Your altar. Grant me the graces that I need to serve You faithfully and wholeheartedly. Grant too, that while serving You. may I follow the example of St. Tarcisius, who died protecting the Eucharist, and walk the same path that led him to Heaven.
St. John Berchmans, pray for me and for all servers. Amen.